At Radford Academy we base our curriculum around our vision:
At Radford Academy our approach to learning aspires to academic excellence in an inclusive, nurturing and supportive environment which helps all pupils develop their talents, creativity and leadership skills so that they achieve their potential as responsible global citizens of the future.
The topic based approach covers all curriculum areas but is also underpinned by the moral values we believe in. Our teaching often has an international and anti-racist perspective in order to reflect the community we serve as well as to develop positive skills and attitudes amongst all our pupils. Therefore there is also a great emphasis on the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
We ensure that our pupils have a wide range of learning opportunities both in and out of school. We provide first hand experiences whenever possible and this helps to make learning more relevant and bring it alive.
Parents and interested members of the public can access more detailed information about the curriculum by looking at each year groups long term plans below. Further information can be found on weekly newletters or on class pages on the website. The school plans opportunities for parents to come in to school to find out more about the curriculum. Please contact the school if further information is required.