The purpose of the Home-School Agreement is to strengthen the partnership between parents/carers and school to maximise children’s learning, happiness, confidence, self esteem and well being. We believe that by working together we can create the right environment for all pupils, which allows them to develop in the way and at a pace appropriate to their individual needs. This will ultimately result in them feeling supported, encouraged and valued leading to success.
Our Vision and Core Values
At Radford Primary our approach to learning aspires to academic excellence in an inclusive and nurturing supportive environment and in helping all pupils to develop their talents, creativity and leadership skills so they achieve their potential as responsible global citizens of the future.
Our Aims
We have ten school aims which are vital to our success, we believe they are highly achievable when staff in partnership with Governors, pupils, parents work together
- Provide quality teaching and maximum learning.
- Monitor progress regularly
- Provide an inclusive curriculum
- Foster positive self discipline
- Instil high expectations
- Promote pupils rights and responsibilities
- Promote equal opportunities and community cohesion
- Develop positive home/school relationships
- Create a professional learning community
- Provide a supportive environment
The School Will Aim To:
- Offer a broad and balanced curriculum which is stimulating, meets the needs of every child and reflects our community and world
- Help children to progress as much as possible by setting appropriate work and homework
- · Monitor attendance and punctuality. Inform parents if children are regularly late or absent. Take further action, following school attendance policy if necessary.
- Set clear expectations about the highest possible standards of behaviour and let parents know if there are any significant problems with their child’s behaviour
- Listen to children’s problems and be available to listen to parents. Ensure there is appropriate support and advice given
- Provide equal opportunities for all our children so they can reach their full potential academically, socially and morally.
- Celebrate the cultural diversity of our children and support learning by visiting places of worship and listening to guest speakers
- Stop bullying and racism and any other actions that show disrespect or intolerance towards others
- Be committed to promoting a community of mutual courtesy and respect
- Work in partnership with parents communicating in a variety of ways about the progress of their child
- Provide a warm welcome so that parents and carers know that the school values their contribution to school life and their child’s education
- Take reasonable steps to ensure the safety, happiness and self confidence of all our children
I / We will aim to:
- Support the school aims
- Ensure my child arrives for school and is collected after school on time, having had enough sleep and breakfast
- Ensure my child achieves a high level of attendance and is not taken out of school during term time
- Notify school on the first day of any absence
- Support the work my child is doing at school and ensure homework is completed
- Listen to my child read and fill in the home school diary
- Ensure my child wears the correct uniform everyday and has a P.E and swimming kit
- Respect the cultural diversity in the school
- Work in partnership with the school through mutual courtesy and respect
- Support school policies and encourage to behave well
- Let the school know if there’s anything happening at home which might affect my child’s behaviour
- Help school in whatever way we are able
- Attend parents meetings and keep myself informed of my child’s progress
I will:
- Attend school everyday and arrive on time unless I am too ill to come to school
- Go to bed on time and get up early enough to have breakfast and get to school by 8.50am
- Behave well and follow the school rules
- Make sure I wear the school uniform everyday and bring my P.E. and swimming kit to school when needed
- Work hard in my own space without disturbing others
- Read at home , complete homework and hand it in on time
- Respect all pupils and adults in school and treat them fairly
- Learn about different religions and cultures and take part in visits or activities so that I can learn more
- Look after the school building and property
- Ask for help when needed and tell an adult if I am worried about anything like bullying, school work or adults
- Always try my best