Class 3


Our teacher is Miss Waring and our Teaching Assistant is Miss Bolger.

Important Information Home Learning
PE: Please can you make sure that your child brings in their PE kit on a Monday and that it is left in school for the week. Children’s PE includes black shorts, a white T-shirt and either black trainers or plimsols.

Long Term Plan

Please read every day with your child and write this in their diary. Your child will bring a book home in their folder from their tag. We have reading prizes for the 3 children who have read the most during each half term.

Maths – Your child will need to practise their times tables for 10 minutes a day using the ‘Garage’ on Times Tables Rockstars. All children in Year 3 need to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables confidently by the end of Year 3 so finding time to practise is really helpful and important.

Spellings – Your child will focus on a different set of spellings each week. Please practise them regularly with your child on Sumdog under the ‘Spelling’ section and in their homework book.

Creative homework – this will be sent home at the start of every half term. Please select one activity to complete each week and bring it in to school so we can add it to our topic display.

If you require any help or advice please come and see me at the beginning or end of the school day.

Our Work