Class 4


Welcome to our class page. This year class 4 will be taught by Miss Saunders and Miss Riley.

Important Information Home Learning
We do PE every Wednesday and Thursday, so please remind your child to bring their PE kit on the correct days.

Homework will be sent out every Friday and need to be sent back into school by the following Wednesday. Your child will have spellings to learn, maths activities and some creative topic work to complete. Homework will be on Showbie every week and in their orange homework book.

Reading regularly to an adult is extremely important so that your child makes good progress and understands what they are reading well. Your child’s reading diary will be checked every day.

Please read every day with your child and write this in their diary. Your child will bring a book home from their tag but you could also read newspapers, biographies, comics and encyclopaedias together to encourage them to read a wide range of books for pleasure.

By the end of Year 4 all children need to know their times tables up to 12×12. Please practise together as often as you can, a little time each day would make a huge difference to their times table knowledge.

Spellings will be sent home every Friday, please practise and talk about each word’s meaning together to check your child understands.
