English As An Additional Language

Radford is a school that understands and celebrates the diversity of the many languages and cultures of our pupils. We provide equality of access to the curriculum for all our pupils, including those whom English is an Additional Language. Please click on the links below for further information.

Working with Bilingual Pupils

New To English

Many pupils arrive in our school with little or no experience of English. They need to be supported both within the classroom and in small groups as they build their confidence in communication through a range of carefully structured activities, initially based on speaking and listening skills.

Learning Through Outdoor Experiences

Children acquire language through a range of experiences and working in new and stimulating environments can motivate EAL pupils to expand their vocabulary and increases communication skills, both during the day and in feed back sessions. We have taken groups of EAL pupils to the following locations.

Learning Through The Arts

Engaging in fun, practical and creative activities is another strategy which encourages EAL pupils to acquire English through hands on, collaborative group sessions. Children have then had the confidence to present their work to classmates and teachers. They also have a product (book, picture etc) which they are proud to take home.

Speaking and Listening Activities

When learning a second or additional language it is very important to use as many opportunities as possible to practise speaking and listening to others. This can be informal or structured. Games are an excellent way to learn new vocabulary with a purpose and apply it in a way which consolidates understanding, Aural comprehension allows the teacher to check vocabulary and understanding in context, e.g. can the child follow instructions such as “Draw a house with three square windows. Draw a red roof. A cat is sitting on the roof.” The instructions can be progressively more complex and tailored to the levels of the child.

  • Games
  • Oral comprehension
  • EAL pupils can be involved in culturally appropriate performances and assemblies where they learn to speak in front of an audience, such as
  • Class performances
  • Eid celebration

Using Computers

There are many ways in which EAL and pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds can use computer technology. With guidance they access the internet finding culturally appropriate materials, sometimes looking for translations, creating powerpoint presentations and researching information. They can use word processing programmes to present their writing for display.

  • Island project
  • Biographies/powerpoint

Eventually the EAL pupils are fully integrated into their classes where they continue to receive support as necessary.