Class 6


Welcome to year 6! this year our class will be taught by Ms Zaman (monday/tuesday) and miss wright (wednesday-friday). Mr B will also teach maths in year 6 and Mrs Smalley will teach english. our teaching assistant is Mrs Parkinson.


Please bring your PE kit on a Monday and leave it in school all week.

Spellings will be given out on Monday. Test on Friday.

Homework (Maths and Topic) will be sent out every Friday and needs to be bought back into school by the following Wednesday.

Reading is extremely important. Children should read everyday for at least 15 minutes every day. Reading diaries will be checked daily.

Please read every day with your child and encourage them to write in their diaries or alternatively write a comment yourself. Your child will bring a book home from their tag however you could also read newspapers, biographies, comics, and encyclopaedias together to encourage them to read a wide range of books for pleasure.

It is very important the children know all their times tables up to 12×12 and their division facts. Please practice together as little and as often as you can as this will make a huge difference to their times table knowledge. Times tables rockstars is a fantastic way to develop these skills.

Spellings will be taught in school every day. Children should also continue to practice the year 5/6 spelling list at home to ensure they can spell the majority by the end of the year.

Should you want to do additional SATs preparation at home with your child, feel free to let us know, we will be happy to direct you to resources we have in school or online

Non-Negotiables For Year 6

Our Work